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Light and Shadow





Artist Statement

             For this assignment we were supposed to chose words and come up with different images from those words. I feel that not all of mine are literal but the emotion and feelings that are given to them could be. For all of them I just tried to capture what first came to my head when I was given the assignment and I felt that it was successful. 

Reading a Photo

                This photograph is made by Ian Harper, one of the photographers on the creators trip. This was taken in Morocco, 2018. You can see that it i a woman in  lose dress, seems to almost be dancing while in the desert. What first drew me to this photo was the lighting and the colors. It all is more arm tones, a lot of red, orange and yellow. The right side of the horizon looks to be a little over exposed but it creates this effect as if when you are looking into the sun. Th person themselves is also not to under exposed because you can see hr defined back muscles. The dress is perfectly catching the sunlight to create that difference in colors and frame her body. This photo beautifully demonstrates the rule of thirds. She is standing in the far left third and her arm is creating a leading line with the dress and horizon line to draw you eye to the opposite side of the photo. And with her head facing away and slightly to the right side it adds to drawing your eye around the photo. To make you wonder what is she looking at? Is she in as much peace as she appears to be?

Portrait Project

             For my portrait project I chose Holden G to be my subject. Holden is very goofy, loving and all around a great person to work with. I definitely think this was one of the most entertaining photoshoots I have done. For his portraits I wanted to convey his goofy and loving sides and how he has a drive for having a fun time. 

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